Spiritual Sunday
Spiritual Sunday is for the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples not to leave on their mission, but to wait till the promise came. They were in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came and filled them all and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Act 2:4). This was for power.
To be filled with the Spirit is the overcoming power we need in this world. When you pray in the spirit, you build up your inner man, your spirit man. The Holy Spirit is part of the God head (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit); He is technically in charge in the earth realm now.
In John 4:24, God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. You are a spirit, you have a body, and you have a soul. When you are saved, reborn, your spirit is redeemed, your soul is being redeemed, and your body will be redeemed at judgment.
The Holy Spirit is available to all believers. He is a comforter, counselor, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, and stand-by. He helps you learn all things, gives supernatural memory, bears witness of Jesus, guides you in all truth, glorify Jesus through you, transmits all things from Jesus to you, and will show you things to come. He will also bring conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He has a personality, so He can be grieved, provoked to jealousy, lied to, tested, and blasphemed (that is calling his works, the works of the devil). We must learn to hear Him and consistently yield to Him as He leads us through this life, for He will never leave you or forsake you.
Therefore, when you wake up and realize that you serve a miracle working God that gives you power, love, mercy, faith, ability, and the Holy Spirit!! Just think what a Spiritual Sunday it is going to be. A day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad within it. Enjoy a week in Jesus Christ, live for the glory of God! Grace and Peace!!