Marvelous Monday
Marvelous Monday is for Miracles. Miracles are events that exceed the known laws of nature and science. There are miracles in the glory of God. As you praise God and worship God, at some point the presence of God will show up. His glory is the magistracy of his power. When the glory of God shows up, ask what you will and as the Spirit wills, receive. Miracles are acts of God. Sometimes, miracles are done through human agents or angels. If you need a miracle, the first thing you must do is ask and expect to receive.
Marvelous Monday is for miracles. The bible tells us about the ten plagues of Egypt. (Exodus 7:20 and 12:30). The parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21-3). The walls of Jericho falling (Joshua 6:20). The Hebrew boys saved from the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19-27). Jesus healed the leapers and many others. Jesus walked on water (Matt 14:25-27). Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38). Peter restores Tabitha (Acts 9:36-41) plus many other miracles are recorded in the bible.
Personally, I ride motorcycles. I do escorts for funerals. The first day on the job, I met an escort named Coffey. In the process of escorting the procession to the cemetery he got hit by a car in the procession and was killed. I prayed that day that I would not go that way. As of today, I have survived more than one motorcycle accidents. Praise God! He is still confirming His word. I have not had any broken bones, but I have taken some hard hits. To me this is a miracle. Remember, miracles are as the Spirit wills. I pray for a miracle and expect one every day, whether, I get one or not. Realize that it takes power, love, mercy, faith, ability, and the Holy Spirit for a miracle. So, if you wake up in the morning expecting a miracle. Thank God, you are still alive and know that our God is a miracle working God that gives us power, love, mercy, faith, ability, and the Holy Spirit.
This is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad within it. In God's kingdom on this planet there are Marvelous Mondays in this universe.